

I Have Decided

Baptism shows others that you have been made new. It represents your old sinful life being washed clean because of your faith in Jesus. 

"For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives". Romans 6:4 NLT 

If you have never been baptized or maybe you have and want to rededicate your life, sign up for the next baptism service. We have many opportunities throughout the year and we want to celebrate with you as you choose to declare Jesus publicly!

“I’ve been baptized, now what’s next?”

Taking a bold step for Jesus is something to celebrate, and we want to encourage you to keep living boldly for Him! At Faith Church, we’re more than a community! We’re a family, and we’d love for you to join us on this journey of following Jesus together.

If you’ve been baptized, your next step might be to attend Growth Track and get connected in a group where you can grow in your faith and build meaningful relationships.

Common Questions

Every person who has made the decision to trust Jesus as their Savior should be baptized. In Acts 2:38, Peter says, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.”

Baptism symbolizes your old life being washed away and your new life in Christ. It’s a way of showing that you are united with Jesus in His death, burial, and resurrection (Colossians 2:12).

Wear modest clothing that can get wet, such as a dark shirt and shorts.

One Church Meeting at Multiple Locations
Across South Carolina


We are an Assemblies of God Church