Faith Young Adults

Building Authentic
Community Together

Young Adults of Faith Church is for 18 – 30 year-olds. We exist to minister to Jesus and make space for His manifest presence to dwell among our generation. We want to see Young Adults connected with the heart of God and grow in authentic community whether at university, work, home, or church.

Together Nights

‘Together Nights’ exists for young adults to gather together from all across South Carolina and lift high the name of Jesus! These nights are our quarterly gatherings, designed to connect you with a community of young adults and focus on the presence of Jesus.

Watch the service from our last Together Night below and get ready for what’s to come!

Upcoming Events

Together Night

April 28

‘Together Nights’ exists for young adults to gather from all across South Carolina and lift high the name of Jesus! This night is designed to inspire, equip, and unite the next generation in passionate worship and biblical truth. Together Nights is coming up on April 28th at Faith Church Summerville! Don’t miss your chance to join us and special guests Garrett & Kate Serban for powerful worship, an encouraging message, and an opportunity to connect with other young adults who are pursuing Jesus. Pre-Party begins at 6 PM, and Service starts at 7 PM. See you there! 


Rep Faith Young Adults everywhere you go! Click below to view the Faith Church Store.

One Church Meeting at Multiple Locations
Across South Carolina


We are an Assemblies of God Church